Something Edible Quote

Terms of Use (keepin' honest people honest).

All the content on this site, unless otherwise noted, is copyright of me, Beau Dealy. I really don't mind sharing, but I frown upon those stealing content without properly asking to use the content and providing citation for said content. Moreover, trying to make money by using my content without permission is right-out (don't you think I should get first crack at that?).

User-Provided Content
If you post content on this site, it is subject to my scrutiny. If I deem it inappropriate, I'm gonna remove it. If I really like what you said, I may use it elsewhere (but I'm going to do my best to let you know that I'm gonna do that. Quid pro quo, Clarice). Don't be spamming the comments or overtly try to use this site to make money. That's just rude.

Links to & from elsewhere
The Internets is a big place. Sometimes links coming in & leaving from this site might not exactly jibe with stuff that I support. I'll to my best to make sure It does; and I do ask you to ask questions if you have concerns. For example, if a link leaving my site promotes a means to, “Sell your house in eleven hours, guaranteed!!”, that doesn't necessarily mean I sanction it. Or, if you follow a link from a purveyor of top-shelf gin to my site- wait. That's a bad example; but you get the idea. If I prefer/endorse something I will make sure to overtly tell you about it. Likewise, if I'm being compensated to say such things (yeah, right, huh?) you'll be the first to know.

If you have questions (l love answering questions!), you can contact me via email. Or, you can dm me via twitter (@somethingedible). I'll do my best to answer, but don't think me an a-hole if I don't. You're fighting for my time with my family (most important) and a job that lets me pour cash into hobbies-turned-jobs that irk my significant other; as they involve purchasing things I normally wouldn't need.

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